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Stage One



In Progress


The ground is levelled and shaped with earthmoving machinery to match lot designs, and retaining walls (if any) are constructed.

Trenches are dug to run electrical and telecommunications cabling and wiring, including power, phones and the internet.

Pipes to carry water and recycled water to each house lot, all trunk and reticulation services, are constructed.

The ground is prepared for road construction and guttering (kerb and channel).

Trenches are dug to run electrical and telecommunications cabling and wiring, including power, phones and the internet.

The ground is prepared for footpaths, topsoil placed for nature strips and asphalt laid for roads.

Practical completion confirms the completion of construction works and means you’re almost ready for handover and to begin building your new home.

The Council and Service Authority conduct final inspections of the services and assets throughout the stage including water, power, internet and so on. The Statement of Compliance is then granted, meaning all requirements have been satisfied.

Each lot within the Stage is registered at the Titles Office, after which settlement can occur and you can start building your dream home.